2024 Ron Despres Memorial Golf Classic Winners
July 12, 2024
Thank you to everyone who made this year's Ron Despres Memorial Golf Classic a success! It was a beautiful day - a little hot, but at least we didn't have rain.
Special thanks to The Shattuck Golf Course, and our corporate sponsors: Atlas Fireworks, Belletetes, Inc., MilliporeSigma, Monadnock Disposal Service, Inc., Peard Properties, Red's of Jaffrey and Savings Bank of Walpole.
The RDM Golf Classic is our largest fundraiser. As in past years, that a portion of our proceeds are given to two local charities. The recipients this year are the Jaffrey Fire Fighters Company, Inc. for a new advanced cardiac monitor AED, and the Jaffrey Food Pantry (in memory of Cynthia Hamilton).
Here are this year's winners:
1st Place: Tillman Evers, Carl Dean, Stew Campbell, Jim Hamel
2nd Place: MilliporeSigma - Kevin Adnerson, Stephen Fryer, Jeffrey Townley, James Loiselle
3rd Place: Team Burgess - Clint Burgess, Hunter Burgess, Zach Burgess, Don Burgess
4th Place: Raptor Scientific - Will Shepard, Zak Hoard, Dan Levy, Dylan Duckworth
Most Honest: Savings Bank of Walpole: Kristen Noonan, Dominic Perkins, Danielle Ruffo, Eric Schlim
Longest Drive (M): Sean Bradley
Longest Drive (W): Barbara Pelkey
Closest to the Pin #2: Ralph Giandomenico
Closest to the Pin #7: Chris Sutherland
Closest to the Flamingo #9: Jacob Essex
Closest to the Flamingo #11: Ralph Giandomenico
Spot the Sponsors: Team Burgess
Check out our pics on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/media/set?vanity=100064633693536&set=a.900687652095683